Friday, 12 February 2016

Lesson-6 : Control panel

CNC Turning Machine's Control panel:
We will learn about the control panel keys in the coming lessons.

ON--------------------------------------Power on Switch
OFF-------------------------------------Power off Switch
Emergency Stop --------------------- Turns off power
Cycle Start ----------------------------Starts Program Execution
Feed Hold ---------------------------- Stops tool motion
Optional Stop ------------------------ Stops the program when M01 is in the
Dry Run -------------------------------For testing programs without part
Chuck Clamp ------------------------ Shows chuck clamping status
Block Slip ---------- ------------------Skips blocks with / symbol
Spindle Rotation ---------------------Indicates the direction of the spindle
Tool change-------------------------- For manual tool change
Handle -------------------------------- Manual Pulse Generator (MPG) for axis
                                                    selection and movement
MDI ----------------------------------- Manual data input
Auto----------------------------------- Automatic operations
Edit ----------------------------------- For doing changes in a program
Jog ------------------------------------ Selecting jog mode for movements

Lesson-5 : Some important Symbols:

Some important Symbols:

Decimal point
Fractional part of a number
Plus sign
Positive value or addition sign in Fanuc macros
Minus sign
Negative value or subtraction sign in Fanuc macros
Multiplication sign
Multiplication sign in Fanuc macros
Slash ( Front slash)
Block skip function symbol or division in Fanuc macros
Program comments & messages
Percent sign
Stop code (end of program file)
Program number designation
Used only within comments
[ ]
Arguments in Fanuc macros
Non programmable End-of-Block symbol (screen display only)
Sharp sign
Variable definition or call in Fanuc macros
Equal sign
Equality in Fanuc macros